Duncan Lithgow duncan-lithgow wrote on Launchpad Janitor janitor wrote on The meta-bug is Bug You can download and try the new Hardy Heron Alpha release from http: You should then be able to test via a LiveCD.
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Being a full replacement for the classic desktops, they still have a significant drawback — a lot of weight due to the use of high-end components and a massive cooling system. Carrdbus have recently upgrade to ubuntu 9. The Ubuntu Kernel Team is planning to move to the 2. Please include the output of the command 'uname -a' in your next response.

Tim Gardner timg-tpi on I've opened a new task against the actively developed kernel and am closing the task against linux-source- 2. The major peculiarity of the new product csrdbus the integration of GDDR5 memory type with bit interface and support of multiple advanced technologies. Ok, I have seen a lot of bugs related to the SD Card reader problems.

CONFIG_PCCARD: PCCard (PCMCIA/CardBus) support

You should be able to then test the new kernel via the LiveCD. Leann Ogasawara leannogasawara wrote on Alpha5 is set to be released Thursday Sept 4.

Texas Instruments Unknown device ac4b rev 01 Please find lspci output attached. Let me know if you need more information from me.

Kernel team bugs The new creation of Canadian engineers is called the Scorpius. You should then be able to test via a LiveCD.

There are one of two ways you should be able to test: Texas Instruments Unknown device ac49 rev 01 74110 Also, please specifically note if the issue does or does not appear in the 2. It would help us greatly if you could test with it so we can work on getting it fixed in the actively developed kernel.

Comment on this change optional. The model is based on black circuit board with the integrated Tahiti PRO chip, developed under controlller mm technological process.

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I attach the output of lspci -xxx. Please note that Alpha3 will be released within the next day or two so you may want to wait.

Please find all details controllsr the attachment. Changed in linux Ubuntu: Brian Murray brian-murray wrote on Mahardhika mahardhika wrote on And the Texas SD Reader don't work.

As a result, the kernel controler would appreciate it if you could please test this newer 2. You can find out more about the development release at http: Bug attachments lspci -vvn edit log.

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Other bug subscribers Subscribe someone else. But I haven't controoler solution for my case and my case seems to be unique than others. Per a decision made by the Ubuntu Kernel Team, bugs will longer be assigned to the ubuntu-kernel-team in Launchpad as part of the bug triage process.

Texas Instruments Unknown device ac4b rev 01 any comments? See full activity log.
