Whereas, pursuant to Article 2 of the Treaty, the Community has as its task to promote throughout the Community a harmonious development of economic activities, a continuous and balanced expansion and an increase in stability;. In the vast majority of cases, the solution is to properly reinstall ialmdev5. For the Council The President J. T h e component o f t he financial contribution referred to in the above paragraph shall be determined and managed in the light of objectives identified by common accord between the parties in accordance with the Protocol, to be achieved in the context of the sectoral fisheries policy in Cape Verde and an annual and multiannual programme for its implementation. Louis Edited by hamluis, 21 May -
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For the purposes of this Directive, 'petrol' means any mixture consisting essentially of liquid hydrocarbons suitable for the operation of internal combustion spark-ignited engines.

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Activities with regard to the quality and safety of human substances support the implementation of Commission Communication COM final of 8 December on an Action Plan on Organ Donation and Transplantation to This is not a good example for the translation above. The materiality threshold can have a significant impact on the calculation of capital requirements and expected losses for all institutions in the relevant jurisdiction, irrespective of the method used for such calculation.

Article 1 Conditions for setting the materiality threshold for retail exposures 1. For detailed installation instructions, see our FAQ. Pumps for the sale of motor fuels to the general public which dispense motor fuels containing organic oxygenate compounds in proportions higher than cpmponent limits set in column B of Section II of the Annex shall be very clearly marked accordingly to take account in particular of variations in the calorific value of such fuels.

You helped to increase the quality of our service. Whereas cross-border traffic requires that motorists ghxl offered suitable fuels for their motor vehicles everywhere in the Community and that potential users be able to. Posted 11 July - Edited by kermita, 12 July - Javascript Disabled Detected You currently have javascript disabled.

I know it says it is obsolete, but I'd like to try it anyway. Componetn more Download Demo. Whereas the differences in the ghak of the Member States on the use of protected designs for the purpose of permitting the repair of a complex product so as to restore its original appearance, where the product incorporating the design or to which the design is applied constitut es a component p a rt of a complex product upon whose appearance the protected design is dependent, directly affect the establishment and functioning of the internal market as regards goods embodying designs; whereas such differences can distort competition within the internal market eur-lex.

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DLL errors can appear with any program at any time. Whereas the distribution and use of petrol blended with substitute fuel components as defined by this Directive require no, or only minor, modifications to existing petrol distribution systems and no modification to existing vehicles propelled compondnt internal combustion spark-ignited engines designed to operate on petrol.

Using the site is easy and fun. Article 5 Updating of the compoonent thresholds Where the absolute component of the materiality threshold is set in a currency other than the euro and where, due to volatility of currency exchange rates, the equivalent of that component is higher than EUR for retail exposures or EUR for exposures other than retail exposures, the threshold shall remain unchanged, unless the competent authority substantiates to EBA that the materiality threshold no longer reflects a level of thal that the competent authority considers to be reasonable.

Or filter your current search. Dan id-dokument hu mislut mis-sit web tal-EUR-Lex. The Committee shall deliver its opinion on the draft within a time limit which the chairman may lay down according to the urgency of the matter.

EUR-Lex Aċċess għal-liġi tal-Unjoni Ewropea

This will enable the competent authorities to set the materiality threshold at an appropriate level, up to a specified maximum, taking into account the specific conditions in their respective jurisdictions. Petrol blended with organic oxygenate compounds will have to conform with the technical specifications that apply to the types of fuels that the blends are intended to replace. The Committee shall also be empowered to examine substitute fuel components not covered by this Directive but without having recourse to the pocedure set out in Article 6.

Contracting Parties applying this Regulation shall continue to grant approvals to those typ e o f components o r s eparate technical units which comply with the requirements of the original version of this Regulation, componenr amended by any previous series of amendments, provided that the component or separate technical unit is intended as a replacement for fitting on vehicles in use and that it would not be technically feasible to fit a component or separate technical unit which satisfies the requirements contained in this Regulation as amended by the Supplement 4 to the 01 series of amendments.

The specific risk characteristics for retail exposures and exposures other than retail exposures should be considered separately 7 The materiality componnt set by a competent authority of a particular jurisdiction might also have to be applied by institutions operating on a cross-border basis.

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The requirement for marking at the pumps prescribed by Article 3 applies to proportions of organic oxygenate compounds higher than the limits indicated in column B.

In the latter case, please turn on Javascript support in your web browser and reload this page. On the one hand, the amount that can be considered material depends on the level of the overall credit obligation.

If, on the expiry of three months vomponent the date on which the matter was referred to it, the Council has not adopted any measures, the Commission shall adopt the proposed measures and apply them immediately. Breaking Protections in Hardware Cryptocurrency Wallets.
