I tried compiling "hsfmodem For that reason, this bug report is being closed at this time. Information about Dell driver is also reported in this Wiki: Closing unrelated linux-meta task. You are not directly subscribed to this bug's notifications.
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For that reason, this bug report is being closed at this time. Join Date Dec Beans 2. It hscmodem to connect, but it isn't able. If there's nothing provided by Dell, what other options are there?

Her computer fried and we can't affored to buy windows for the one I put together for her. The following modems, available hsvmodem some ThinkPad models, use the Conexant HSF softmodem chip, and require an appropriate driver: Changed in jockey Ubuntu: I want to setup a dial-up connection on another computer Ubuntu I fixed this by un-installing the old driver, then downloading the new driver which corresponds to my current kernel version.

Email me about changes to this bug report. I've found new driver with full speed support. Conexant does not provide drivers for Linux, but commercial Linux drivers are available from Linuxant, a separate company.

Install dial up Conexant modem driver from Dell - Ask Ubuntu

I have an dial up modem with a conexant chipset. This hybrid approach has been reported to work you can use this more recent package from Dell instead of the one mentioned in the forum post.

Thank you very much for the feedback. I am trying to set this up for my daughter. I need a detailled and hsfmodrm recipe for jockey, since I do not have that hardware myself.

No pre-built modules for: Timo Aaltonen gsfmodem on I keep on trying with next hardy build and I let it know here. Conexant HSF softmodem driver, version 7.

Ddell hope someone answer my call. Launchpad Janitor janitor wrote on That comes with at least one year support and kernel-version upgrades, after which you need to purchase it again if you are running a different kernel which needs a newer version of the driver although hsfnodem you have the kernel headers installed it may be able to rebuild itself for your kernel, depending on what changes have been made in the driver - just try installing the deb and see.

I'm marking it wontfix because what you describe is probably a valid issue, but there are no plans to work on lrm 2. Privacy policy About ThinkWiki Terms of use. Navigation hsfmodm Personal tools Log in.

December 27th, 4. January 12th, 9.

Sign up or hsfodem in Sign up using Google. Could you please elaborate on how to get this working? The drivers should be automatically re-loaded upon resume by the hotplug system, if not, just manually restart hotplug or modprobe the individual drivers, adding this to your suspend script if needed.

Modems supported by the Conexant drivers

I have a Conexant modem and I need to download a driver for this. The following modems, available in some ThinkPad models, use the Conexant HSF softmodem chip, and require an appropriate driver:.

After rebooting I found it in use in restricted manager. Join Date Jan Beans 4.
